
Track One – Ministry Preparation
A curriculum dedicated to developing individuals in the preparation of their becoming leaders and ministers in the Body of Jesus Christ, our LORD.

  • Diploma of Biblical Studies –  2 years
  • Associate of Biblical Studies –  3 years
  • Bachelor of Biblical Studies –  4 years
  • Master of Biblical Studies –  6 years + Thesis
  • Doctor of Biblical Studies –  7 years + Dissertation

Track Two – Theological Preparation
A curriculum dedicated to developing teachers to properly instruct the Body of Christ for the works of service.

  • Diploma of Theology –  2 years
  • Associate of Theology –  3 years
  • Bachelor of Theology –  4 years
  • Master of Theology  –  6 years + Thesis
  • Doctor of Theology  –  7 years + Dissertation

All of the TPI curriculum mentioned above for information only, no degree wanted.

Timothy Program Track One Ministry Preparation

Graduation Requirements For:

applynow-buttonDiploma of Biblical Studies
1. 60 Credit Hours of Core Required Courses
2. Maintain a 2.8 G.P.A.

Associate of Biblical Studies
1. 80 Credit Hours of Core Required Courses
2. Maintain a 2.8 G.P.A.

Bachelor of Biblical Studies (for licensing & ordination)
1. 120 Credit Hours of all Courses
2. Maintain a 2.8 G.P.A.

Master of Biblical Studies
1. 30 Credit Hours of TPI Track Two Courses
2. Maintain a 2.8 G.P.A.
3. Write a 350-page Masters Thesis

Doctor of Biblical Studies
1. Write a 250-page Doctoral Dissertation
2. Publish Doctoral Dissertation

Transfer Credits
All ACI transfer credits and “Life Experience” credits are reviewed and approved by the TPI Registrar.

Timothy Program Track Two Theological Preparation

applynow-buttonThe Timothy Program’s Track Two credit hour is defined as equal to a one-hour class meeting three times a week for eighteen weeks. A three Semester Credit Hour course requires a minimum of 700 pages of reading followed by a comprehensive examination or written paper.


The Timothy Program’s Track Two grading scale is set to inspire learning and thoroughness. The following is the grading scale for all classes: (each % point = .5 GPA) 

92 – 100 = A 3.60 – 4.00 GPA
82 – 91 = B 3.20 – 3.59 GPA
72 – 81 = C 2.80 – 3.19 GPA
62 – 71 = D 2.50 – 2.79 GPA
00 – 61 = F 0.00 GPA

Timothy Program Track Two exams are designed to contain the equivalent of 100 points possible. There are also reports, papers and essays which are scored on 100 points possible. Neatness, order, spelling and documented information are critical if one intends to receive 90 or higher. When possible, all papers should be typewritten or produced on a computer. If not possible, handwritten papers should be printed for ease in reading. Handwritten papers are not graded down.