applynow-buttonTimothy Program Track One
Ministry Preparation Quarter 7


Ministry & Shavuot

Course of Study

track1brochureWeek 01 • Ministry Introduction
Week 02 • Charismatic Renewal Problems
Week 03 • El Shaddai
Week 04 • Free Flow of God’s Grace
Week 05 • God’s Charis (Grace)
Week 06 • Charisma (Gift)
Week 07 • Charismata of Primitive Christianity
Week 08 • Eucharistia (Thanksgiving)
Week 09 • The 17 Appearances of Charisma
Week 10 • Shavuot (Pentecost)
Week 11 • The First Shavuot
Week 12 • End of the Barley Harvest
Week 13 • Purpose of Shavuot (Pentecost)

This Quarter of study covers the important Bible themes of Ministering God’s Grace Gifts and the Feast of Shavuot (Weeks) commonly called “Pentecost” in the New Testament. This Quarter reveals that God’s people minister His Grace to others at the time of need. This Quarter contains all of the necessary auxiliary information that bears on each subject from: Bible Grammar, History, Culture and Geography. It also introduces the Greek language. It requires Scripture memorization. There are practical Ministry assignments and a Shavuot exam.