shehina“General” Shehina Salamanca Lazcano

Father’s Name : Yohanan Salamanca Garcia

Date of Birth : 11.24.92

Age : 22

Gender : Female

Qualification : Bachelor Student

Nationality : Mexican

Religion : Christian

Marital Status : Married

Address : 5 Sur 904, Barrio Sam Miguel, Puebla, Mexico

Mobile Number : 011 52 2 22 246-4408

E-Mail Address :

Languages Known : Spanish, English

Work Experience : Secretary/Treasurer JACS Medical Clinic

Position : Secretary, Coligio Biblico Timoteo, Puebla, Mexico

Monthly Salary : $200.00


“I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

Yours faithfully,
Shehina Salamanca Lazcano
Puebla, Mexcio
May 7, 2014

Sponsors: Jim Mustoe, Dr. John Looper Ministries